Pain points in open-source intelligenceBusinesses face significant challenges when trying to collect and analyze vast amounts of open-source information – from market signals and policy trends to industry news, technological advancements and competitor activities. They often encounter three major hurdles
Fears of missing out
Difficulty understanding relevance
Unknown unknowns
How SourceIntel addresses these pain points
In-depth consultation
Configuring “IntelDigest”
Insight extraction
Empowering “InteVault”
Who will benefit from SourceIntel?
Consulting and strategy teams
Corporate secreatry and reporting teams
Research and development teams
Think tanks and internal advisory teams
Client stories
Our service process
1. Initial consultation
Our intelligence experts begin with a preliminary discussion to understand the client’s information-gathering needs.
2. Outlining the information collection framework
We invite the client to outline their information collection goals and scope by filling out a form.
3. Cost assessment
Based on the information provided by the client, we assess the number of open sources required for regular tracking, the complexity of technical configurations, and the frequency of updates. We then recommend a pricing tier that best suits the client’s needs.
4. Agreement and initial payment
After reviewing our pricing tier, the client signs an agreement and makes the initial payment (typically 30% of the total cost).
5. Mapping out open sources
Our experts map out the agreed-upon number of open sources based on the pricing tier discussed with the client, ensuring all sources are legally and technically accessible. The client receives a customized “Source List” as the first deliverable.
6. Technical configurations
Upon approval of the “Source List,” we begin the technical setup, configuring keywords, filtering rules, relevance sorting and AI summarization methods. Deliverable: IntelDigest Configuration Plan.
7. Testing and adjustment
Once the setup is complete, the client receives daily sample email digests to review. We fine-tune the configurations based on the client’s feedback until they are satisfied with the results.
8. Service launch
After final approval, the service goes live, and the client begins receiving automated IntelDigest email updates and gain access to their exclusive IntelVault database.
9. Remaining payment
The client makes the remaining payment once the service is up and running.
10. Ongoing support
Our expert team provides ongoing maintenance and support, ensuring the service runs smoothly and addressing any client questions or issues that arise.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Based on different pricing tiers, the final deliverable is a regularly scheduled email briefing “IntelDigest” and a dynamic database “IntelVault.”
SourceIntel focuses on the collection, refinement and organization of intelligence from publicly available sources. It is not a data report, a consulting report or a service that gathers non-public information.